Professor Chitra: I refined most of my pages from my Project plan and also added an indexmusic.htm that is a kind of opening page, which goes straight to my home page. I included a musicprint.css, too. I know you suggested me to refine only 2 pages, but I would like to have the pleasure of see my work as a whole. I checked page by page to be sure they are connected among them,and everything looks ok even thoug sometimes when I click on the "index" to go to for example "music & soul" it says there is not connection. Honestly, I do not why...? I would like to know the reason to learn when I have to design my own web page! :) FEB>22,2011, 7:05 pm: IT LOOKS LIKE THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!! The only page that left is the music glossay; I included its term in my links even though the link is not ready yet. I would like to refine that page (music glossary) only for the pleasure of enjoying to see my work completed. Thank you for your suggestions and guidance! Leah